21 Day Fix for ME!

I have just started 21 Day Fix and LOVE it!! But I am getting some back lash from friends. They do not understand that this program is not only for weight loss, but to help promote healthy, clean eating. Yes, I am a meger 105lbs and scrawny. I am not doing this, because I think I am fat. I am doing this to tone up, eat right, and be a healthier, happier me. 

When you start a program, do it for YOU!! Not any one else. You are not competing against anyone, but yourself.


This is my .02 cents 😉

Hope y’all have a wonderful and healthy day!!

21 Day Fix :)

Okay, so I have done P90X for the past few years. It is my go to work out! I love Insanity and Les Mills, but something P90X always kept me coming back for more. But this Friday I will be starting the 21 Day Fix program by Autumn Calabrese. I am beyond excited. The philosophy of simplicity is extremely intriguing to me. “Simple Fitness. Simple Eating. Fast Results.” PERFECT!!! I will be posting before and after photos on my Twitter and sharing them here and on my FB. I think I am going to do weekly postings for progress and daily postings for diet.  I would love to challenge anyone else who has not tried this to join me and we can post together and share our story. 

If you want to take this challenge with me, please contact me at beachbodycoach.com/ashleydiana


Thank you in advance for all the support 🙂